



  • JO1

  • INI






OPEN 17:00 / START 18:30






  • 全席指定/Reserved

    12,100円 (税込)

  • 注釈付指定席
    /Annotated reserved seats

    12,100円 (税込)


  • ※3歳以上有料、3歳未満入場不可

    公演に関するお問い合わせ:DISK GARAGE

/Fastest lead Ticket JO1/INI/DXTEEN Official Lottery

  • スケジュール


    Application Period:
    [JO1]April 17th, 2023 (Mon) 13:00 to April 24th, 2023 (Mon) 23:59
    [INI]April 17th, 2023 (Mon) 14:00 to April 24th, 2023 (Mon) 23:59
    [DXTEEN]April 17th, 2023 (Mon) 15:00 to April 24th, 2023 (Mon) 23:59
    In order to avoid concentrated access, we will stagger the start time of the reception for each fan club. Thank you for your understanding.


    Announcement of results: May 8th, 2023 (Mon) 20:00

  • 対象


    応募者:JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUB 月会費まとめて払いコース会員の方 or 2019年12月~の月会員
    同行者:JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUBにご入会されている方(コース不問)
    [Applicants] JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUB Members who are on the course where they pay the monthly membership fee in a lump sum.
    [Accompanying Persons] Those who are JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUB members (accepted regardless of course or date joined)
    You can apply giving your first 2 preferences.


    応募者:INI OFFICIAL FANCLUB 月会費まとめて払いコース会員の方
    同行者:INI OFFICIAL FANCLUBにご入会されている方(コース不問)
    [Applicants] INI OFFICIAL FANCLUB Members who are on the course where they pay the monthly membership fee in a lump sum.
    [Accompanying Persons] Those who are INI OFFICIAL FANCLUB members (accepted regardless of course or date joined)
    You can apply giving your first 2 preferences.


    応募者:DXTEEN OFFICIAL FANCLUB 月会費まとめて払いコース会員の方
    同行者:DXTEEN OFFICIAL FANCLUBにご入会されている方(コース不問)
    [Applicants] DXTEEN OFFICIAL FANCLUB Members who are on the course where they pay the monthly membership fee in a lump sum.
    [Accompanying Persons] Those who are DXTEEN OFFICIAL FANCLUB members (accepted regardless of course or date joined)
    You can apply giving your first 2 preferences.

  • 購入枚数制限
    Purchase restrictions

    The number of tickets that can be purchased are limited to 2 tickets per show.

  • ※「チケプラ電子チケット」アプリによるチケット発券となります。電子チケット発券の際には公式アプリが必要となります。
  • ※これから月会費まとめて払いコースにご入会・コース変更される方もお申し込み可能です。
  • ※同月内に月会費コースから月会費まとめて払いコースに変更した場合、初月のみ両コースの会費が発生します。
  • You can apply for pre-sale tickets through Tixplus E-tickets, and be issued tickets through Tixplus E-ticketsofficial app .
  • ※From now on, it will be possible for people to apply who are going to join the monthly membership fee course or change course.
  • ※In the event that you change from the monthly fee course to the monthly lump sum course within the same month, membership fees for both courses will be charged only in the first month.

/Ticket JO1/INI/DXTEEN Official Lottery

  • スケジュール


    Application Period:
    [JO1]May 8th, 2023 (Mon) 13:00 to May 10th, 2023 (Wed) 23:59
    [INI]May 8th, 2023 (Mon) 14:00 to May 10th, 2023 (Wed) 23:59
    [DXTEEN]May 8th, 2023 (Mon) 15:00 to May 10th, 2023 (Wed) 23:59
    In order to avoid concentrated access, we will stagger the start time of the reception for each fan club. Thank you for your understanding.


    Announcement of results: May 19th, 2023 (Fri) 20:00

  • 対象


    応募者:JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUBにご入会されている方(コース及び入会日不問)
    同行者:JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUBにご入会されている方(コース及び入会日不問)
    [Applicants] Those who are JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUB members (accepted regardless of course or date joined)
    [Accompanying Persons] Those who are JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUB members (accepted regardless of course or date joined)
    You can apply giving your first 2 preferences.


    応募者:INI OFFICIAL FANCLUBにご入会されている方(コース不問)
    同行者:INI OFFICIAL FANCLUBにご入会されている方(コース不問)
    [Applicants] Those who are INI OFFICIAL FANCLUB members (accepted regardless of course or date joined)
    [Accompanying Persons] Those who are INI OFFICIAL FANCLUB members (accepted regardless of course or date joined)
    You can apply giving your first 2 preferences.


    応募者:DXTEEN OFFICIAL FANCLUBにご入会されている方(コース不問)
    同行者:DXTEEN OFFICIAL FANCLUBにご入会されている方(コース不問)
    [Applicants] Those who are DXTEEN OFFICIAL FANCLUB members (accepted regardless of course or date joined)
    [Accompanying Persons] Those who are DXTEEN OFFICIAL FANCLUB members (accepted regardless of course or date joined)
    You can apply giving your first 2 preferences.

  • 購入枚数制限
    Purchase restrictions

    The number of tickets that can be purchased are limited to 2 tickets per show.

  • ※「チケプラ電子チケット」アプリによるチケット発券となります。電子チケット発券の際には公式アプリが必要となります。
  • ※これからご入会される方もお申し込み可能です。
  • ※同月内に月会費コースから月会費まとめて払いコースに変更した場合、初月のみ両コースの会費が発生します。
  • *Tickets will be issued via the Ticket Plus e-Ticket application. The official app will be required to issue e-tickets.
  • *This is available for those that are going to enroll in or change their course to the membership fee one time payment course.
  • *If you change from the monthly payment course to the one time payment course within the same month, you will only be charge on both courses for the first month.


LAPOSTA 2023 ライブビューイング
LAPOSTA 2023 Live Viewing

Screening date and time

2023年5月30日(火) 18:30 上映開始
May 30, 2023 (Tue) 18:30 screening starts

  • ※開場時間は、各映画館により異なります。
  • ※上映開始時間は変更になる可能性がございます。
  • ※映画館により、座席間隔をあけてチケット販売を行う場合がございます。今後の情勢に応じて変更となる場合や、各映画館で対応が異なる場合がございますので予めご了承ください。
  • ※The opening time varies depending on the movie theater.
  • ※The screening start time is subject to change.
  • ※Some movie theaters may sell tickets with spaced seating. Please note that the response may vary depending on the movie theater and the situation may change depending on future circumstances.

Ticket price

4,500 yen (all seats reserved/tax included)

  • ※お一人様2枚まで。
  • ※映画館は、第一希望~第三希望までお申込み頂けます。
  • ※3歳以上要チケット。3歳未満は入場不可。
  • ※別途プレイガイド手数料がかかります。
  • ※実施スクリーンにより、特別シート等追加料金が発生する場合がございます。
  • 来場者特典 あり
  • ※ご鑑賞の際に各映画館にて、お一人様お一つの配布となります。
  • ※Up to 2 tickets per person.
  • ※You can apply for movie theaters from your first to third preference.
  • ※Tickets required for ages 3 and up. No admission for children under 3 years old.
  • ※A separate play guide fee will be charged.
  • ※Additional fees for special seats may apply depending on the screening screen.
  • There are special gifts for visitors
  • ※One item per person will be distributed at each movie theater when watching.

Ticket sales schedule

■先行抽選販売 /Advance lottery sales
2023年5月12日(金)12:00 ~ 5月20日(土)23:59

Application period
May 12, 2023 (Fri) 12:00 to May 20 (Sat) 23:59
Winner announcement
May 22, 2023 (Mon) 20:00

  • ※WEB申込URLは、申込開始時に開設いたします。
  • ※インターネットのみでの受付となり、受付の際、ぴあへの会員登録が必要となります。
  • ※先行抽選販売の支払方法は、クレジットカード、後払いpowered by atoneのみとなります。
  • ※The WEB application URL will be opened at the start of the application.
  • ※Internet-only reception, and registration with Pia is required when applying.
  • ※Payment methods for advance lottery sales are credit card and "after-payment powered by atone" only.

■映画館販売 /Advance lottery sales

General sales: Movie theaters with remaining seats at the time of advance sales winner announcement will sell tickets.
Internet ticket sales service of each movie theater
From May 28th (Sun) 0:00
Each movie theater box office/automatic ticket vending machine
From May 28th (Sun) movie theater opening time

  • ※映画館販売は先着順ですので、各映画館の所定枚数が無くなり次第販売終了になります。
  • ※特別興行につき、各種割引サービスおよび各種招待券など無料でのご鑑賞はいただけません。
  • ※Movie theater sales are on a first-come-first-served basis, and sales will end as soon as the specified number of each movie theater is sold out.
  • ※Please note that various discount services and free viewing with various invitations, etc., are not available for special screenings.

Inquiries about play guide tickets

「チケットぴあ」HP "Ticket Pia" HP


LAPOSTA 2023 生配信
LAPOSTA 2023 Streaming

Live stream time

2023年5月31日(水) 18:30
May 31, 2023 (Wed) 18:30

Archive stream

2023年6月3日(土)12:00 ~ 6月4日(日)23:59
June 3, 2023 (Sat) 12:00 to June 4 (Sun) 23:59

Streaming Media

Ticket sales


4,100円(税込) ※配送代500円含む
5月22日(月)18時 ~ 6月4日(日)21時

JO1/INI/DXTEEN OFFICIAL FANCLUB release for overseas fans

Live Streaming Ticket with Memorial Picture Ticket
4,100 yen (tax included) *Including ticket delivery fee of 500 yen (tax included)
Ticket Sales Period
May 22,(Mon)6:00PM [JST] ~ June 4,(Sun)9:00PM [JST]

for overseas fans

This Concert will be available to overseas residents too.
*This system is conforming to the global network stream of Amazon CloudFront.
Reference) https://aws.amazon.com/cloudfront/features/




5月22日(月)18時 ~ 6月4日(日)21時

FANY Online Ticket

5月22日(月)18時 ~ 6月4日(日)21時


General ticket for overseas fans

3,600 yen (tax included)


Ticket Sales Period
May 22,(Mon)6:00PM [JST] ~ June 4,(Sun)9:00PM [JST]

for overseas fans

This Concert will be available to overseas residents too.
*This system is conforming to the global network stream of Amazon CloudFront.
Reference) https://aws.amazon.com/cloudfront/features/




2023年5月30日(火)〜 5月31日(水)
May 30th (Tue) to May 31st (Wed), 2023


9:00 to 18:00


有明アリーナ サブアリーナ
Sub Arena of Ariake Arena



Eligible persons

ticket holders of the performance (same day only) may enter (only once).

  • ※「チケプラ電子チケット」アプリによるチケット発券となります。
  • *Tickets are issued using the Tixplus Electronic Ticket app. The official app is needed to issue an electronic ticket.

Entering the Venue

  • ※ご入場には、"先着"の「整理券番号」のお申し込みが必要となります。
  • ※整理券は、混雑緩和のためにご利用いただくシステムです。
  • ※当日の混雑状況を鑑みて、ご案内の枠を変更する可能性がございます。
  • * To enter, you must apply for a "reservation ticket number," issued on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • * Reservation ticket number is a system to alleviate congestion.
  • * We will monitor the congestion level on the day and may adjust the available numbers for entry. Additionally, we may open some slots for guests who do not have reservation tickets/guests who could not get the first-come, first-served basis reservation tickets at a desired time slot. Please be aware of this in advance.


Information regarding ticket sales

/Regarding applications
  • 各先行ごとに、お申込み可能な対象者(応募者・同行者)が異なります。必ず対象をご確認の上、お申し込みください。
  • お申し込みはぞれぞれの先行につき、「お一人さま1回のみ。1公演につき2枚まで。」となります。※2枚申込には同行者の指定が必須となります。
  • 2枚以上申込の場合、電子チケットは応募者・同行者それぞれの端末に発券されます。
  • 同行者の方も「チケプラ電子チケット」アプリの推奨環境に適したスマートフォンのご用意をお願いいたします。
  • 1回のお申し込みで、各先行につき第1希望~第2希望(任意)まで選択可能、同一日時公演の重複当選はありません。
  • 同行者としてお申込みされた場合も申込み回数が1回としてカウントされます。
  • 希望公演ごとに同行者情報や枚数を変更することはできません。予めご了承ください。
  • 同一先行内での重複応募は応募無効となる可能性があります。
  • 同一先行内での応募者/同行者を入れ替えてのお申し込みや、他の応募者様/同行者様と別口でのお申し込みは、落選対象となる場合がございます。同行者様と事前にご相談した上で、代表者様のみお申し込みください。
  • たとえ複数当選/購入されても、ご本人様(チケットに表示された氏名)以外の方のご入場はお断りさせていただきます。また情報の変更、チケットの取消、払戻、返金等も一切できません。
  • チケットには、応募者/同行者の氏名(ファンクラブにご登録の氏名、またはPlus member IDにご登録の氏名)が表示されます。お申し込みの際は、来場者のお名前にて必ずお申し込みください。
  • お申し込み後の氏名変更はお受けいたしません。チケットに表示される氏名は、お申し込み時のPlus member IDに紐づく登録情報です。
  • 不正売買が発覚した場合、ご入場をお断り致します。その場合、チケットの払い戻し・交通費等の負担は致しかねます。
  • Each presale has different eligible applicants (applicants/accompanying persons). Please confirm eligibility before applying.
  • You may apply only once per person, up to 2 tickets per performance for each pre-sale. *If you request 2 tickets, you must designate an accompanying person.
  • When requesting 2 or more tickets, electronic tickets will be issued to the devices of both the applicant and the accompanying person.
  • Accompanying persons must also have a smartphone compatible with the recommended environment of the "Tixplus Electronic Ticket" (チケプラ電子チケット) application.
  • Once per application, you may specify your 1st and 2nd preferences (optional) for each pre-sale. There will be no double allocations for the same date and time.
  • The number of applications will be counted as one, even if you are applying as an accompanying person.
  • You cannot change the accompanying person's details or the number of tickets for each performance requested. We appreciate your understanding.
  • Duplicate applications within the same presale may result in invalid applications
  • Switching applicants/accompanying persons within the same presale or applying separately with other applicants/accompanying persons may result in disqualification. Please coordinate with your companion in advance and apply as their only proxy.
  • Even if you have been awarded or purchased multiple tickets, admission will be denied to anyone other than the person whose name appears on the ticket. No changes, cancellations, refunds or returns will be accepted.
  • Tickets will be printed with the name of the applicant/accompanying person (the name registered with the fan club or Plus member ID). Please apply using the visitor's name.
  • We do not accept name changes after the application. The name that appears on the ticket is the registered information associated with the Plus member ID at the time of application.
    Ticket transfers, even between family members or friends, are strictly prohibited. We will not accept changes for any reason. Please be careful not to make any mistakes or omissions when applying.
  • We will refuse entry if we discover any illegal sales. In this case, we will not be able to cover the cost of ticket refunds or transportation.
  • 海外在住の方のお申し込み
    /Applicants from outside Japan
  • 海外会員の方は、受付ページの「お申し込みはこちら/Click here to apply」をタップ後表示される「【Overseas Members】Monthly Membership Fee Bundle Payment Course」よりお申し込みください。
  • 電子チケットは海外のスマートフォンでもご利用いただけます。申し込み画面でご入力いただく電話番号は海外の電話番号で問題ありません。※チケット受取開始日になっても電子チケットの受け取りができない場合は、下記よりチケプラカスタマーサポートまでお問い合わせください。
  • 海外在住で日本の携帯番号をお持ちでない方は、海外のスマートフォンでもご利用いただけますが、SMS機能が必須となります。※申込時に入力した番号と同じ番号を入れてください。
  • チケプラトレードは日本国内向けのサービスとなり、国内口座をお持ちでない方は出品いただけません。予めご了承ください。
  • For international members, please apply from the "Monthly Membership Fee Course" or "Monthly Membership Fee Bundle Payment Course" displayed after tapping "お申し込みはこちら/Application" on the welcome page.
  • Electronic tickets can be used with smart phones overseas. The phone number entered on the application screen can be from outside Japan. *If you are unable to receive an electronic ticket even on the day the ticket pick-up begins, please contact Tixplus Customer Support via the link below.
  • For those who do not have a Japanese mobile phone number and live overseas, you may use a smart phone from overseas, but SMS functionality is required. *Please enter the same number as the one entered at the time of registration.
  • Please note that the Tixplus Trade service is only available in Japan, and is not available for those who do not have a Japanese account.
  • 電子チケットについて
    /About electronic tickets
  • 本公演のチケットは、「チケプラ電子チケット」アプリにて電子チケットを発券します。
  • 電子チケットのお受け取りは、各公演日1週間前を予定しております。(座席の表示は公演日当日を予定しております。)
  • チケットのお受け取り端末は、応募者/同行者様ともに、お申込み時に登録した電話番号のスマートフォンでしかお受取り出来ません。
  • 同行者の方がスマートフォンをお持ちでない場合、応募時に申請をされた方のみ、同行者のチケットは応募者の端末にまとめて表示されます。
  • 本先行のチケットは分配不可となります。
  • やむを得ない理由により参加ができなくなった場合は公式トレードをご利用ください。
  • Tickets for this performance will be issued as electronic tickets through the "Tixplus Electronic Ticket" (チケプラ電子チケット) application.
  • Electronic ticket pickup is scheduled for one week prior to each performance. (Seat displays are scheduled for the day of the performance).
  • Ticket pick-up devices can only be used by the applicant/accompanying person's smartphone registered with the phone number provided at the time of application.
  • If the accompanying person does not have a smartphone, tickets for the accompanying person will be displayed together on the applicant's device, if requested at the time of application.
  • Tickets for this pre-sale cannot be distributed.
  • If you are unable to attend due to unavoidable reasons, please use the official trading system.
  • 入場方法/本人確認について
    /Admission Method and Personal Identification
  • ご当選された方は、応募者・同行者様を含め、必ず期日までにチケプラへの顔写真の登録をおこなってください。顔写真の登録が無い場合には、入場をお断りさせていただきます。
  • 券面に購入者のお名前と顔写真が表示され、会場でご入場の際に電子チケットのご提示にて、来場者様全員のご本人確認をさせていただきます。ご本人確認ができない場合には、理由の如何を問わず入場をお断りさせていただきます。
  • 顔写真のご登録が無い場合は、入場をお断りさせていただきます。また、顔写真が登録済みでも、ご本人確認が取りづらい場合などには、身分証の提示をお願いすることがあります。
  • ご来場の際、購入者はチケット券面に記載のあるお名前の本人確認ができる「有効な身分証*」を必ず持参してください。
  • チケットには、お申し込み時のPlus member IDにご登録の氏名が表示されます。お申し込み時のPlus member IDにご登録されているご本人以外はご入場いただけません。いかなる理由があろうとも、ご変更は一切受け付けいたしません。お申し込みの際はお間違い・ご入力漏れの無いようご注意ください。
  • お申込された名義変更はできません。諸事情により各OFFICIAL FANCLUB登録の名字が変更になる場合は、詳細を明記の上FANCLUBまでお問い合わせください。※公演当日は、新姓が記載された身分証をご用意ください。
  • For those who have been selected, please be sure to register with a portrait photo of the applicant and accompanying person on Tixplus by the deadline. If the photo is not registered, you will be refused entry.
    *If you have already registered previously, you do not need to do so again. You can check your registration status on My Page.
  • The purchaser name and photo will be displayed on the ticket face, and the identity of all visitors will be confirmed when you present the electronic ticket for entry to venue. If we are unable to confirm your identity, you will be refused entry regardless of the reason.
  • You will be refused entry if your photo is not registered. Even if your photo is registered, you may be asked to show your ID if it is difficult to confirm your identity.
  • Upon attendance, the purchaser must bring a "valid ID*" to confirm the identity of the name displayed on the ticket.
  • The name registered with the Plus member ID during application will be displayed. Only the person who registered with the Plus member ID during application will be allowed entry. No modifications will be a allowed for any reason. Please be careful to not make any mistakes or omissions during application.
  • The registered name cannot be changed. If for some reason the surname registered for each OFFICIAL FANCLUB must be changed, please contact the FANCLUB with a clear explanation of the details. *Please bring an ID with the new surname when attending the performance.
  • その他チケット販売に関する注意事項
    /Other precautions
  • 各チケット先行は全て抽選となります。先着順ではございませんので、受付期間中に公演に関する注意事項をご確認いただき、お間違えのないようお申し込みください。受付終了後、お申込みいただいた全応募者の中から厳正なる抽選を行い、当選者を決定いたします。
  • 受付開始直後と受付終了間近は、アクセス集中により繋がりにくい可能性があります。予め時間に余裕をもって、お申込み手続きをお願いいたします。
  • 座席に関してのお問い合わせ/ご要望には、一切お答えできません。
  • チケットご購入、ご来場の際にお客さまの緊急連絡先などをご提供していただく場合がございます。
  • お客さまの個人情報は国の機関、自治体等からの要請を受けて、必要な情報提供を行う場合がございますので、予めご了承ください。提供いただいた情報は、上記記載目的以外には一切使用いたしません。
  • 開催公演に関しては理由の如何を問わず、チケット購入後のキャンセル/変更/払い戻しは一切できません。例外として、公演が中止になった場合などに、払い戻しのご案内をさせていただく場合がございます。
  • 車椅子でご来場の方には専用のエリアをご用意いたします。ご希望のお客様は、全席指定のチケットをご購入いただき、公演の5日前までにイベント主催お問い合わせ先へ必ずご連絡をお願いいたします。なお、車椅子席には限りがございますので予めご了承ください。
  • All advance ticket sales are conducted by lottery, not on a first-come, first-served basis. Please review the precautions related to the performance during the application period and apply without making any mistakes. After the registration period is over, a rigorously administered lottery will be held among all applicants to determine the winners.
  • Immediately after the start and just before the end of the registration period, access may be difficult due to crowding. Please plan enough time for the application process.
  • We are unable to respond to seating inquiries or requests.
  • You may be asked to provide emergency contact information when you purchase a ticket or visit the venue.
  • Upon request, your personal information may be provided to government agencies, municipalities, etc. Please be aware that the information you provide will not be used for any purpose other than those described above.
  • No cancellations, changes, or refunds, for any reason, will be accepted after a ticket has been purchased for a scheduled performance. As an exception, in the event of a performance cancellation, we may provide guidance on refunds.
  • A special area is provided for wheelchair users. If you would like to use this area, please purchase a reserved seat ticket and contact the local box office at least 5 days prior to the performance. Please note that wheelchair seating is limited.
  • 来場時におけるお客様へのお願い ※5/18(木) 更新
    Requests to customers when admission

    /Announcement for venue attendees and infection prevention measures:
  • 本公演は、新型コロナウイルス感染症対策ガイドライン及び会場の規則をはじめとした、自治体の指示のもとで開催させていただきます。
  • 本公演のチケット販売は、紙チケットによる接触機会の削減及びご来場者様の情報を漏れなくご登録いただくため、全て電子チケットでのお取り扱いとなります。ご入場の際は、お客様ご自身でスマートフォン等の操作をお願い致します。
  • 本公演のチケットは、チケット購入時に購入者並びに同行者の氏名、連絡先を確認の上、販売させていただいています。
  • マスクの着用は個人の判断にお任せいたします。出演者およびスタッフの着用も個人の判断とさせていただきます。
  • 公演中の歓声,声援,歌唱,会話や掛け声については、マスク着⽤無しの状態で、お楽しみいただいてもかまいません。
  • 公演中はご自身の席でお立ちになってのご観覧、またはお座りになってのご観覧でお願いいたします。お席を離れたり、前に駆け寄ったり、身を乗り出す等、前後左右のお客様同士と距離が近づいてしまう行為は禁止とさせていただきます。
  • 会場内外におきましては、いかなる密集、グッズ等のトレーディング行為も禁止とさせていただきます。
  • ご入場後に体調を崩された場合は、速やかにお近くのスタッフまでお申し出ください
  • 体調不良であることが見受けられるご来場者様には、スタッフよりお声掛けさせて頂きますことご了承ください。また、状態によってはご入場をお断り致しますこと、重ねてご了承をお願い致します。
  • 公演中の不要なお座席の移動・交換は禁止とし、来場者同士の接触や物の貸し借りはお控えください。
  • 公演中は、水分補給の目的以外でのご飲食は禁止といたします。アルコール飲料の持ち込みは不可/飲酒は禁止です。
  • 売店の営業に関しましては、各会場にてご案内とさせていただきます。
  • This performance will be held in accordance with the guidelines for preventing the spread of COVID-19, venue rules, and instructions from local authorities.
  • To reduce physical contact with paper tickets and to ensure that attendee information is registered accurately, all tickets for this performance will be handled electronically. When entering the venue, please operate the electronic ticket yourself on your smartphone or other device.
  • When purchasing tickets for this performance, we will confirm the name and contact information of the ticket purchaser and accompanying individuals.
  • Please wear a mask at all times during the performance.
  • Please wear a mask when cheering, singing, talking or shouting during the performance.
  • However, please refrain from speaking loudly or frequently in a manner that may cause discomfort to surrounding guests and hinder their enjoyment of the performance.
  • Please stand or sit in your seat during the performance. It is prohibited to leave your seat, run forward, lean forward, etc., or act in a way that makes the distance between customers around you to become closer.
  • We will ensure a sufficient distance between the stage and seating areas.
  • If you feel unwell after entering the venue, please immediately notify a nearby staff member.
  • Please note that the staff may approach attendees who appear to be unwell. In addition, we ask for your understanding that we may refuse entry depending on the attendee's condition.
  • Moving or exchanging seats during the performance is prohibited, and please refrain from physical contact with other attendees, or lending and borrowing items.
  • During the performance, eating and drinking for purposes other than hydration is prohibited. Bringing alcohol into the venue or consuming it is also prohibited.
  • Please follow the instructions provided at each venue regarding setting up stores.
  • 入場時におけるお願い ※5/18(木) 更新
    /Requests during entry
  • 本公演は転売防止のため、チケットは「チケプラ電子チケット」での受け取りとなり、券面に購入者のお名前と顔写真が表示されます。
  • スマートフォン未所持や登録不備等でチケットが表示できない場合は、理由を問わずご入場をお断りいたします。※18歳以下の同行者の方で応募時にスマートフォン未所持の申請をされた方は除く。
  • ご入場いただけない場合でも返金等の対応はいたしかねます。
  • 公演当日はご本⼈確認を実施する場合がございます。 ご本⼈確認は申込代表者、同⾏者のどちらも⾏う場合がございます。 ご本⼈確認ができない場合及び不正/転売⾏為が発覚した場合は入場をお断りいたします。
  • 公演当日は、会場内の安全向上のため、ご入場の際に手荷物検査を行います。予めご了承ください。
  • 会場内への電子機器(カメラ、撮影機能付き双眼鏡、レコーダー、ビデオ等録音機器)及び危険物の持ち込みは禁止されています。会場内でのお預かりはいたしかねますので、スーツケース等のお荷物も予めお近くのコインロッカー等にお預けになり、手荷物をコンパクトにしてご来場ください。
  • 持ち込み禁止物が発見された場合は、スタッフの指示に従ってください。持ち込み禁止物がないことが確認でき次第、ご入場になります。
  • 入場時の検温はございません。体調はご自身で管理いただきますようお願いいたします。
  • ご退場後は、会場周辺に滞留することなく速やかにご移動をお願い致します。
  • To prevent ticket resales, tickets for this performance will be issued as a "Tixplus Electronic Ticket" with the purchaser's name and photo displayed on the ticket.
  • We may refuse entry to those who are unable to display their tickets regardless of the reason, such as not having a smartphone or an incomplete registration. ※Accompanying attendees under the age of 18, who did not have a smartphone when applying, will be exempt from this rule.
  • We cannot offer refunds or provide any other measures if entry is denied.
  • On the day of the performance, we may verify the identity of the ticket holder. Verification may be performed for both the ticket purchaser and accompanying individuals. Entry will be denied if verification cannot be completed or if fraudulent/resale activities are discovered.
  • Please note, there will be a bag inspection when entering the venue on the day of the performance, in order to improve the safety of the venue.
  • Bringing electronic devices (cameras, binoculars with recording capabilities, recorders, video recording devices) or dangerous items into the venue is prohibited. We are unable to store luggage at the venue, so please store your luggage such as suitcases in a nearby coin locker in advance and come to the venue with compact baggage.
  • If prohibited items are found, please follow the staff's instructions. You will be admitted as soon as it is confirmed that there are no prohibited items.
  • Please check your health and take your temperature before coming to the venue.
  • After leaving the venue, please move away from the area promptly without staying around the venue.
  • 禁止事項 ※5/18(木) 更新 /Prohibited
    Those who fall under the following may be denied entry.

  • 注意事項やお願いに従えない方、安全確保の妨げになると判断した方。また、公演中にこのような行為が発覚した場合は途中退場いただきます。
  • 酒気帯び状態の方。スタッフが酒気帯びと判断した場合、ご入場をお断りします。アルコールの摂取は体温上昇の可能性がありますので、来場前の飲酒はお控えください。また、アルコール類の持込は禁止とさせていただきます。
  • Those who cannot comply with precautions and requests or are judged by staff to be interfering with safety measures. If such behavior is discovered during the performance, you will be asked to leave.
  • Those who appear intoxicated. If staff judge that you are intoxicated, entry will be denied. Please refrain from drinking alcohol before attending, as it can raise your body temperature. Bringing alcohol into the venue is prohibited.
  • グッズ販売及びCD、DVD等の販売について
    /Goods sales and CD, DVD sales:
  • コンサートグッズの会場販売やEC販売に関しましては、詳細が決まり次第ご案内いたします。
  • コンサートグッズ販売を行う際は、別途、販売エリアの対策及び注意事項をご案内いたします。
  • Details on concert goods sales at the venue and EC sales will be announced as soon as they are decided.
  • When selling concert goods, we will separately inform you of measures and precautions for the sales area.
  • 有効な身分証(全て顔写真付き/コピー不可/有効期限内)
    /Valid ID (with photo, no copies, within the expiration date):
    3.写真付き公的免許証(船舶・航空・建築士 他)




    ※Any copies are not allowed. Please bring the original document that is within the expiration date.
    ■ One ID that has a photo is acceptable. The following are accepted IDs:
    1. Passport
    2. Driver's license / International driver's license
    3. Photo ID (for maritime, aviation, architects, etc.)
    4. Basic resident register card
    5. Disability certificate
    6. Certificate of alien registration
    7. My Number card (notification cards not allowed)
    8. Welfare notebook
    9. Photo ID health insurance card
    10. Photo ID student card
    11. Rehabilitation notebook
    ・If you have any public identification other than (1) to (11) mentioned above, please contact Ticket Play Customer Support by 2 days before the performance.
    ・If you do not have any of the above (1) to (11) or any other public identification, please bring documents from the section "If you do not have a photo ID."
    ・When using a My Number Card as an ID, please present only the front side (with the photo). Do not show the back side (with the individual number). Note that during identity verification, we do not look at the back of your Individual Number Card (My Number Card).
    ・The notification card for My Number (a paper card without a photo) cannot be used as identification.
    ・Student IDs for individuals aged 19 and older will not be accepted, even if they have a photo.
    ・If you have a non-photo student/insurance ID, please refer to the section "If you do not have a photo ID."
    ・Please note that copied, handwritten, expired, or tampered identification documents will not be accepted.

    ■ If you do not have a photo ID
    ※ You cannot enter with only 1 public document
    Public documents include: Insurance card, resident's card, family register copy, abridged family register, seal registration certificate, pension booklet
    ※Please bring public documents in their officially issued state. For resident's cards, family register copies, and abridged family registers, they are valid within 6 months of issuance.

    ※ You cannot enter with only 1 public document
    Items with your name printed on it: Employee ID, non-photo student ID, credit card, cash card
    ※Public utility bills (electricity/water, etc.) and various postal items are invalid, even if they have your name printed on it.

    ■ Items not accepted as identification
    Copies of the above items; handwritten or expired items; various point cards; public utility bills (electric, water, gas, etc.); various postal items.
    Lending health insurance cards is prohibited by law. Using tampered or falsified identification documents is a criminal act.


    /About reselling and transfers
  • 本受付にて購入されたチケットは、理由を問わず第三者に転売する行為は一切禁止されています。転売のために第三者に提供/譲渡する行為も禁止されています。また、転売目的のチケット購入は一切禁止といたします。
  • 転売行為とは、オークションへの出品、落札、インターネット上の売買、チケットショップ、購入代行業者、ダフ屋や悪質な第三者を通じての売買等を含んでおります。
  • オークション等での出品や高額転売などが発覚した場合は、出品者及び購入者の入場をお断りさせていただきます。
  • 本公演の受付で販売されるチケット(興行入場券)は「特定興行入場券」になり、主催者に許可を得ず無断で、興行主の販売価格を超える価格での有償譲渡が禁止されています。
  • チケットの転売や譲渡等によって発生したトラブルは、いかなる場合も主催者は一切の責任を負いかねます。
  • Reselling tickets purchased at this reception to a third party for any reason is strictly prohibited. Provision/transfer to a third party for resale is also prohibited. In addition, it is strictly prohibited to purchase tickets with the intent to resell it.
  • Reselling includes auction listing, successfully bidding, buying and selling through the internet, ticket shops, purchase agencies, scalpers and malicious third parties.
  • If it is discovered that the item is listed at an auction or resold at a high price, the exhibitor or buyer will be refused admission.
    In addition, if a resale etc. is confirmed to have occurred, we may ask to verify the customer's identity for the seat on the day of the performance. If the customer cannot confirm their identity, we may refuse admission.
  • Tickets sold at the reception of this performance (box office admission tickets) are "admission tickets for a specific event" and it is prohibited to transfer them for a price exceeding the promoter/producer's selling price, without permission from the organizer.
  • The organizer is not responsible for any trouble caused by the resale or transfer of tickets.
  • 公演に関する注意事項
    /Notes/precautions for the performance
  • 本公演は政府や各自治体によるガイドラインに従いながら、開催いたします。主催者が定める入退場フロー、観覧ルールに沿ってお楽しみください。
  • 公演日、開場/開演時間、出演者等は急遽変更になる場合がございます。
  • 悪天候の場合、公演中止、または内容が変更になる場合がございます。公演が実施された場合は、天災等によりご来場いただけなかった場合も払い戻しはいたしかねます。予めご了承ください。
  • 公演内容、出演者に変更があった場合でも払い戻しはいたしかねますので予めご了承ください。また会場までの交通費・宿泊費は各個人の負担になります。
  • 今後、政府や各自治体が示す指針、ガイドラインに沿って、ご案内の内容が変更になる可能性がございます。
  • ご来場のお客様は、本ページに記載の注意事項を必ずよくお読みいただき、注意事項の遵守にご協力をお願い致します。また各アーティストのオフィシャルサイト&オフィシャルファンクラブに明記されている注意事項も必ずお守りください。
  • 主催者が定める注意事項に違反、またはご対応いただけない方はご入場をお断り、もしくはご退場いただく場合がございます。
  • 出演者の「入待ち」「出待ち」は禁止といたします。迷惑行為や危険行為は、公演中止の事態も招きかねません。会場におきましては、スタッフの案内にご協力の程よろしくお願いいたします。
  • 入場時にご来場者(応募者及び同行者)の身分証確認を実施する場合がございます。本人確認ができない場合には、理由の如何を問わず入場をお断りさせていただきます。有効な身分証を必ずご持参ください。
  • チケットの紛失、忘失された方は、如何なる理由であってもご入場いただけません。また再発行もできませんので十分にご注意ください。
  • 会場内にお手荷物を預けられるクローク等はございません。荷物や貴重品の管理は、自己責任にてお願い致します。盗難・紛失等の被害につきましては、主催者は一切の責任を負いかねます。
  • 公演中の応援グッズ(OFFICIAL LIGHT STICK・うちわ等)は、公演や他のお客様の観覧の妨げとなるような高さ、大きさ、ならびに迷惑行為は禁止といたします。
  • 公演当日の詳しい入場方法や、感染症対策についての注意事項・最新情報は、随時本特設サイトならびに、公式SNSにてご案内いたしますので、必ずお読みいただきご来場をお願い致します。
  • This performance will be held in accordance with the guidelines of the central and local government. Please follow the entry and exit flow and enjoy it according to the viewing rules set by the organizer.
  • Performance dates, opening/start times, performers, etc. are subject to sudden change.
  • In case of bad weather, the performance may be canceled or the content may be changed. Please note, if the performance is held, no refund will be given even if you cannot attend due to a natural disaster.
  • Please note that refunds will not be given even if there is a change in the content of the performance or the performers. In addition, transportation and accommodation expenses to the venue will be borne by each individual.
  • In the future, the contents of the guide/information may change in accordance with the principles and guidelines presented by the central and local governments.
  • We kindly ask all visitors to carefully read and follow the precautions listed on this page. Please also be sure to follow any additional guidelines specified on the official website or fan club of each artist.
  • Those who violate the precautions set by the organizer or those who cannot comply with them may be refused admission or asked to leave the venue.
    Please note that fan club members may be asked to withdraw from the fan club, and in that case, the admission fee and annual membership fee cannot be refunded.
  • Waiting for the performers before or after the show is strictly prohibited. Any behavior that causes trouble or danger may even result in the cancellation of the show. Please follow the guidance of the staff, when inside the venue.
  • At the time of admission, we may ask to verify the identity of visitors (applicants and accompanying persons). If we cannot verify your identity, we may refuse admission for any reason. So please make sure to bring a valid ID.
  • Those who have lost or forgotten their tickets will not be allowed to enter for any reason. Also, please note that it cannot be reissued.
  • There is no cloakroom where you can leave your baggage in the venue. Please manage your luggage and valuables at your own risk. The organizer is not responsible for any damage such as theft or loss.
  • Cheering goods (OFFICIAL LIGHT STICK, Uchiwa fans, etc.) used during the performance are prohibited from being of height, size that interferes with the viewing of the performance, or causes a nuisance to other audience members.
  • Detailed admission methods on the day of the performance, precautions and updates on infectious disease countermeasures will be announced on this special website and official SNS at any time, so please be sure to read them before visiting.
  • 録音・録画・写真撮影に関して
    /About recording, photography
  • 場内への撮影・録音機器(カメラ、撮影機能付き双眼鏡、レコーダー、ビデオ等録音録画機器)の持ち込み、場内でのカメラ・携帯電話などによる写真撮影、映像の撮影、音声の録音、ライブ・ストリーミング(音声・映像による生中継)等の行為は、アーティスト権利保護のため、一切禁止されています。
  • スマートフォン/撮影機能付き双眼鏡での盗撮・盗聴行為が多発しているため、公演中にスマートフォンがカバンやポケットから飛び出していたり、スマートフォン・双眼鏡を使用されている場合、係員が確認させていただく場合がございます。スマートフォンはマナーモードに設定の上、カバンの中にしっかりと収納をお願いいたします。
  • 撮影や録音されている方を見つけた場合、直ちに機器の没収及び退場処分となりますので予めご了承ください。スタッフの指示に従わず生じた事故、盗難等につきましては、主催者、アーティストは一切の責任を負いません。
  • この場合も、チケット代金等の払い戻しは一切行いませんので、予めご了承ください。
  • 会場スタッフの業務妨害になる行為などは、会場の秩序を保つため、録音及び撮影する場合がございます。予めご了承ください。
  • 公演当日、映像及び写真撮影のカメラが入ります。お客様の様子が映り込む場合がございますので予めご了承ください。
  • In order to protect the rights of artists, it is strictly prohibited to bring filming and recording equipment (cameras, binoculars with image capture functions, recorders, video and other recording devices) into the venue. Taking photographs with cameras and mobile phones, shooting videos, recording audio, live streaming (live broadcast by audio and video) etc. in the venue are strictly prohibited.
  • Because voyeurism and eavesdropping with smartphones/binoculars with image capture functions are occurring frequently, if a smartphone is sticking out of a bag or pocket during the performance, or if you are using a smartphone or binoculars, the staff may ask to check it. Please set your smartphone to silent mode and keep it securely stored in your bag.
  • Please note that if anyone is found taking pictures or recording, their equipment will be immediately confiscated and they will be expelled from the venue. The organizers and artists will not be held responsible for any accidents, thefts, etc. caused because they did not follow the staff's instructions.
  • Please note that in this case, we will not refund the ticket price.
  • Please note that behavior that interferes with the work of venue staff may be recorded or photographed in order to maintain order at the venue.
  • On the day of the performance, video and photo cameras will be present. Please be aware that there may be a chance that the audience member is captured in the footage or photos.
  • ファンレター/プレゼント/お花に関して
    /About fan letters/gifts/flowers
  • 出演者に対してのプレゼント、祝い花、スタンド花、ファンレター等はお受けしておりません。会場に届いた場合、お断りさせていただきますので、予めご了承ください。
  • We do not accept gifts, congratulatory flowers, stand flowers, fan letters, etc. for the performers. Please note that if any of these arrive at the venue, they will be refused.
  • 応援グッズ・有志での企画に関して
    /About items for cheering and volunteer projects
  • JO1/INI/DXTEENの応援広告以外の素材(オフィシャルサイト・ファンクラブより公開された写真、雑誌等で使用されている写真、公演等撮影が許可されていない場所で盗撮された写真など)を使用して商品化し、不特定多数へ販売・配布をすることは、販売者が利益を得ている・得ていないに関わらず、JO1/INI/DXTEENの肖像権侵害行為にあたりますので、十分ご注意ください。アーティストの肖像を守るためにも、皆様のご理解とご協力をお願いいたします。
  • JO1/INI/DXTEENのオフィシャルグッズ以外のボード等の応援グッズの持ち込みを禁止とさせていただきます。
  • ただし、以下のものは、オフィシャルグッズでなくてもお持ち込み可能となっております。
    ◆市販のペンライト(長さ30cmまで、お1人様1個まで)※JO1/INI OFFICIAL LIGHT STICKとの併用はお控えください
    ◆スローガン ※公式うちわサイズ内:約H295×H420(mm)
  • 応援グッズ使用の際は、ご自分の胸の高さより上に掲げることはお控えください。
  • うちわ、スローガン等、使用の際はご自分の座席からはみ出すことは禁止とさせていただきます。※座席のサイズは会場によって変動する可能性もございますがご了承お願いいたします。
  • スタッフが演出の妨げまたは、周りのお客様のご迷惑になると判断した場合、使用をお断りする場合がございます。
  • オフィシャルグッズへの装飾は各商品のサイズに収まる範囲であれば可能となります。
  • お客様有志による企画実行の許可が欲しい等のご連絡をいただいても、仲介・協力・支援は出来ません。
  • 会場敷地内及び、近隣の施設・公共の場にて、JO1/INI/DXTEENの肖像や名称を利用した非公式なグッズ販売・配布をすることは禁止いたします。また、そのような行為は一切許可することはありません。
  • 万が一無断販売/配布行為を発見した場合、該当商品の没収及び本人確認を実施させていただき、ファンクラブ会員と判明した場合は除名処分・また、公演及び会場敷地内への入場を拒否いたします。さらに悪質な場合は、再発防止のために盗撮・盗聴者を事前告知無しで撮影や録画/録音、違法行為として止むを得ず法的な処置を取らせていただく場合がありますので、絶対にそのような行為はおやめください。
  • About cheering goods and volunteer projects Using materials (this includes photos posted on official websites, fan clubs, magazines, and unauthorized photos taken at events, etc.) to create and sell/distribute products to the general public, that is not for a JO1/INI/DXTEEN cheering advertisement, is a violation of JO1/INI/DXTEEN's portrait rights regardless of whether the seller is making a profit or not. We kindly ask for your understanding and cooperation, to protect the image rights of artists.
  • It is prohibited to bring cheering goods such as boards other than the official JO1/INI/DXTEEN goods.
  • However, the following items may be brought in even if they are not official goods.
    [Items that are allowed to bring in]
    ◆Commercially available penlight (up to 30cm in length, maximum 1 per person)*Please refrain from using alongside the JO1/INI OFFICIAL LIGHT STICK
    ◆Slogan *Within official hand-fan size: approx. H295×H420(mm)
    "[Items that are not allowed to be used or brought in]
    ■Penlights with extremely high luminosity, connected penlights, self-made penlights, modified penlights, etc.
    ■Laser pointers, extremely bright high-intensity objects, items with an overly bright light
    ■Chemical lights, glow sticks (items that emit light when bent)
    ■Materials other than JO1/INI/DXTEEN cheering ads (characters, photos published on the official website/fanclub, photos used in magazines, secret photos taken in unauthorized locations such as performances, etc.), slogans, hand fans, and board sketchbooks that are larger than the permitted size, other unofficial goods (regardless of size), etc.
  • The following items cannot be used or brought into the venue. ≪Slogans and other items that use materials (characters, photos released from official websites and fan clubs, photos used in magazines, photos taken without permission in places where filming is not allowed, etc.) other than for JO1/INI/DXTEEN cheering advertisements≫ ≪Uchiwa fans, slogans, sketchbooks, etc. that are larger than the official size≫
  • When using cheering goods, please refrain from holding them above your chest.
  • It is prohibited to protrude from your seat when using Uchiwa fans, slogans, etc. *Please note that the seat size may vary depending on the venue.
  • If the staff determines that it will interfere with the production or cause trouble for other audience members, they may ask you to stop using it.
  • It is permitted to decorate official goods as long as they fit within the size of each product.
  • We cannot act as intermediaries, supporters, or coordinators for projects initiated by audience members, even if they request permission to perform it.
  • It is prohibited to sell or distribute unofficial goods using JO1/INI/DXTEEN's portraits or names in the venue premises, nearby facilities, or public places. Such acts are not permitted whatsoever.
  • In the unlikely event that unauthorized sales/distribution is discovered, the product will be confiscated and the identity will be confirmed, and if it is found to be a fan club member, the member will be expelled. In the worst case, we may take legal action without prior notice against anyone who engages in unauthorized filming, recording, or any other illegal activity, in order to prevent recurrence. So kindly refrain from such actions.
  • Also, unless the number of people who purchase such unofficial goods decreases, it will be difficult to reduce the unauthorized sale and distribution of unofficial goods. We kindly ask for your understanding that this is an act that violates the rights of the artist.
  • OFFICIAL LIGHT STICK連動(ペアリング)について
    / About OFFICIAL LIGHT STICK Pairing
    ※「LAPOSTA 2023」では、会場にお持ち込みのペンライトのみ連動させていただきます。


  • ◆連動(ペアリング)について:
  • 連動する前に必ず新しい電池に交換してください。【アルカリ単4乾電池 × 3本】

  • ◆連動方法:
  • 公演が始まる前に電源を入れてください。スティック本体にあるボタンを押すと電源が入ります。
  • JO1&INI OFFICIAL LIGHT STICKは無線制御機能を搭載しており、電源を入れるだけで、自動で連動されます。
  • 公式アプリの起動は不要となります。(座席番号の入力をする必要はございません。)
  • 開演前にライトスティックの制御と事前点灯チェックが行われる場合があります。
  • 公演が始まるとライトが消え、準備モードに変換されます。誤作動ではございませんのでご安心ください。

  • ◆その他注意事項:
  • 現在、OFFICIAL LIGHT STICKをご自身のアプリで色を設定されている方、青い点滅のBluetoothモードに設定されている方は本公演において演出が反映されません。
  • 既にいずれかの設定をされているお客様はボタンを3秒以上長押しして一度電源をお切りいただき、再度電源をお入れください。

  • ◆電池に関する注意事項:
  • 電池は付属しておりませんので、必ずご自身で事前にご用意ください。
  • 当日、会場にて電池の販売等は実施しておりませんので、事前にご用意いただくようお願いいたします。
  • 電池のプラスマイナスの向きが正しくセットされているかご確認ください。
  • 電池カバーにソケットを入れる際は、必ずソケットの凸が上にくるようにセットしてください。
  • 電池の消耗が激しい商品となっております。1本でも電池残量が不足している場合、電源がつかない、もしくは発光に不具合が生じます。使用毎に3本とも新しいアルカリ電池をご使用ください。
  • ペンライトの電池ソケットに電池を入れたまま保管された場合、漏電し半日程で電池残量が無くなります。
  • その他、上記以外の操作に関する不明点に関しましては会場に設置されているOFFICIAL LIGHT STICKサポートブースにお越しください。

  • *Only penlights brought to 「LAPOSTA 2023」 will be paired.
    ◆About pairing:
    ・Always replace the batteries prior to pairing. [Alkaline AAA batteries x 3]
    ◆How to pair:
    ・Please turn on the power before the performance begins. Press the button on the body of the stick to turn it on.
    ・The JO1&INI OFFICIAL LIGHT STICK is equipped with a wireless control function and will automatically pair when the power is turned on.
    ・It is not necessary to launch the official app. (It is not necessary to enter the seat number).
    ・Light stick control and pre-lighting check may take place before the performance begins.
    ・When the performance begin, the light will turn off and go into preparation mode. Please be assured that it is not a malfunction.
    ◆Additional precautions:
    ・Currently, those who have set the OFFICIAL LIGHT STICK color in their own app or have it set to the blue flashing Bluetooth mode will not be in effect for this performance.
    ・If you have already changed some settings, please press and hold the button for at least 3 seconds to turn off the power, then turn the power on again.
    ◆Precautions regarding batteries:
    ・Batteries are not included, so please be sure to prepare them in advance yourself.
    ・Batteries will not be available for sale at the venue on the day of the event, so please be prepared in advance.
    ・Make sure that the positive and negative sides of the battery are on the correct side.
    ・Always ensure that the convex part of the socket is facing up when inserting the socket into the battery cover.
    ・This product consumes a great deal of battery power. If even one of the batteries is insufficient, the power will not turn on or the light emission may malfunction. Please use three new alkaline batteries for each use.
    ・If the penlight is stored with the battery inserted in the battery socket, the electricity will leak and the battery will run out in half a day.
    ・If you have any other questions about the operations that are not addressed above, please visit the OFFICIAL LIGHT STICK support booth at each venue.


    Applying For Tickets

    Can I apply for advance tickets even if I haven't enrolled in the fan club yet?
    A 受付期間内のご入会であれば応募可能ですが、先行により応募条件は異なりますので各先行ページをご覧ください。
    You can apply if you enroll within the acceptance period, but application conditions are different depending on which advance it is, so please refer to each advance page.
    *Registration will complete upon payment of the membership fee.
    Please proceed to enrollment and application after reading the information on the special website and referring to the help below.

    If I become a member, can I always purchase tickets?
    A 必ずしもご当選するとは限りません。
    You may not necessarily be selected.
    Even if you are a member, you may not be selected as a result of the lottery.
    Please be aware of this before enrolling and applying for membership.
    We will not be able to respond to any inquiries regarding the lottery or results.
    If I become a member, can I always win a good seat/number?
    A 座席は全て抽選となります。
    All seats will be determined by lottery.
    Even if you are a fan club member, you may be assigned to a seat in the back.
    We do not guarantee that you will be selected or that you will be seated in the front.
    Please be aware of this before enrolling and applying.
    We will not be able to answer any inquiries regarding the lottery or seat selection.
    I've already enrolled. Can I change my personal information (name, date of birth, etc.)?
    ・Eから始まるPlus member ID


    After you have enrolled and your payment has been processed, you cannot pass on your membership to another person for any reason, not even to family members. If you wish to apply for a ticket on behalf of someone else, please be sure to register the name of the person who wishes to apply or attend.
    If any of the circumstances below apply to you, please contact us with the required information:
    ●Your surname has changed after marriage
    ●Your registered name contains incorrect kanji or furigana
    ●Your last name and first name are reversed
    Required Information:
    ・Current registered name (kanji/furigana)
    ・Correct name notation (kanji/furigana)
    ・Date of birth (8 digits, according to the Western Calendar)
    ・Registered email address
    ・Registered phone number
    ・Plus member ID starting with E
    Contact Us
    What should I do to change from the Monthly Membership Fee Bundle Payment Course collective course?
    A 以下ヘルプをご参照のうえお手続きへとお進みください。
    Please proceed to the procedure after referring to the help below.

    Can I apply for each advance ticket sale?
    A 各先行にお申し込みいただいて構いません。
    You may apply for each advance ticket sale. There are no duplicate wins for the same day performance.
    There will be no cases of anyone being selected multiple times for a performance on the same date and time

    You can apply for each in advance if both the applicant and accompanying person meet the application conditions.
    Ex:) You can apply for the "JO1 OFFICIAL FANCLUB Earliest Advance" and "INI OFFICIAL FANCLUB Earliest Advance"
    Please be sure to check the details on the special website/reception page.
    Are ticket applications accepted on a first-come, first-served basis?
    A 会員先行は先着ではございません。
    Members' advance orders are not first-come, first-served.
    Seats will be determined by lottery after the application period.
    Early application does not guarantee selection or a seat in the front of the line. Please read the notes carefully and make sure that your application is complete before proceeding.
    Are paper tickets available?
    A 紙チケットによる接触機会の削減及びご来場者様の情報を漏れなくご登録いただくため、全て電子チケット(=「チケプラ電子チケット」での発券)でのお取り扱いとなります。
    In order to reduce the number of contact opportunities with paper tickets and to ensure that all visitor information is registered, all tickets will be issued electronically (i.e. via the "JO1/INI/DXTEEN OFFICIAL APP").
    Please understand this in advance
    Will tickets be on sale to the general public?
    A 追加の販売がある場合には、特設サイトやオフィシャルサイトでご案内いたします。
    Any additional sales will be announced on the special site and the official website.
    *The information posted on the site is the latest information.
    *We will not be able to respond to individual inquiries.
    Is it possible to change the applicant's plus-one?
    A 同行者としてお申込みされた場合も申込み回数が1回としてカウントされます。応募者同行者を入れ替えての応募はできません。
    Only the applicant can change their plus-one.
    It is subject to ticket advance, but you cannot apply for it.
    A 本公演のチケットは「チケプラ」での受付となります。
    平日 11:00~12:00 / 13:30~18:00

    Tickets for this performance will be accepted by "Tixplus."
    For details on applying for tickets please contact Tixplus customer support below.
    ■Inquiries about Application/Acceptance
    Tixplus Help
    Digital Ticket FAQ
    Customer Support Business Hours
    Weekdays 11AM–12PM / 1:30PM–6PM
    *Please set up your inbox so you can receive replies to inquiries from the email domain 「plusmember.jp」. =======
    Multiple performances: Is it possible to win?
    A お申込みいただいた全ての公演に当選する可能性がございます。
    There's a possibility of winning for every performance you applied for.
    Please apply only for those performances you're sure you can attend.
    *We cannot accept cancellations/changes after application.
    Can you confirm that my ticket application is complete?
    A チケプラマイページにてご確認いただけます。

    You can check on the Tixplus My Page.
    My Page
    I want to change my ticket application.
    A お申し込み後の氏名や内容の変更はできません。
    ※チケットに表示される氏名は、お申し込み時にご入力いただいたPlus member IDに紐づく登録情報です。
    No changes can be made to the name or content of the ticket after registration.
    The name displayed on the ticket is the registered information associated with the Plus member ID entered at the time of application.
    The number of tickets and the information of the accompanying person cannot be changed for each desired performance.
    Members are not first-come, first-served.
    After the application period ends, the tickets will be selected by lottery.
    Please read the following notes carefully and be sure to check your application for completeness before proceeding.
    How can I check the results of the lottery?
    A 抽選結果は必ず、各先行受付の当選発表・入金期間内に、【チケプラマイページ】内「チケット申込み履歴」からご確認ください。
    Please be sure to check the lottery results from "Ticket Application History" on the TIXPLUS MY PAGE within the winning announcement and payment period for each advance application.
    If an email doesn't arrive after the date and time of the winning announcement has passed, it may be blocked by domain name or email filter functions, etc.
    Please see the related FAQ below for detailed information.
    Q: I haven't received an email from Tixplus (formerly: EMTG)
    I was elected to receive tickets, but the payment period has passed.
    A 支払期限が切れてしまった場合、支払手続は自動的にキャンセルされ、当選は無効になります。いかなる理由でも無効の取消はできません。
    If the deadline to pay has passed, the payment process will be automatically cancelled, and you will no longer be able to receive tickets. This is non-negotiable.
    Can I apply for a ticket if neither the applicant nor the plus one have their own mobile phone?
    A 応募者・同行者ともに端末未所持の場合はお申し込みができません。
    If neither the applicant nor the plus one have a smart device, you cannot apply.

    Parents/Guardians and Children

    Can my minor child participate alone?
    A 応募・参加条件を満たしている方はお申込み・ご来場いただけます。
    Those who meet the application and participation requirements may apply and attend the event.
    *For details, please visit the special website.
    <Please note that children under 3 years old are not allowed to enter the venue.
    Please note that children under 3 years old are not allowed to enter.
    Please register using the information of the person who will be attending the event (name and date of birth).
    Please register the name and date of birth of the person who will be attending the event.
    For details on registration for minors, please refer to [Membership for children and those who do not own a smartphone].
    Please tell me how my child can join if they do not have a smartphone.
    Please refer to the following regarding membership and ticket application for children.
    *Please refer to the other questions regarding "Regarding membership and ticket application for children" as well.
    My child doesn't have a Smartphone. Can they apply for a ticket on a parent or guardian's device?
    When applying, please designate the guardian as the "applicant" and designate any children as "accompanying persons." Use "09000000000" as the mobile number for any accompanying persons, and be sure to select "Does not have a smartphone" under "Smartphone device for display of electronic ticket" when entering the information for any accompanying persons on the application screen.

    About e-tickets

    When will the electronic ticket be accessible?
    We plan to display the tickets two weeks before each performance and the seats on the day of the performance.
    What devices are compatible with e-tickets?
    Please check here for compatible devices.
    The tickets do not display in the app.
    A本公演のチケットは、JO1 OFFICIAL APP/ INI OFFICIAL APPではなく「チケプラ電子チケット」での発券になります。
    Tickets for this performance will be issued as "Tixplus digital tickets" rather than in the JO1 OFFICIAL APP/INI OFFICIAL APP.
    Click here for Tixplus digital tickets

    About the Performance

    Are tickets obtained through the member advance still valid even if I cancel my membership?
    A会員先行でご当選されたチケットは、 会員様に向けてご用意をさせていただいたチケットとなります。
    ファンクラブ会員様を対象としたコンテンツ・企画を実施していく予定ですので 是非、継続してご利用ください。
    The tickets selected in the members-only event will be reserved for members.
    Please understand and accept our sincere apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.
    We will continue to offer contents and projects for fan club members, so please continue to use this service.
    I was selected to receive tickets but I'm no longer able to attend the concert.
    If you are suddenly unable to attend, we are planning an "official ticket trade" program by which you can trade in your ticket for another ticket of the same price. Detailed information will be announced at a later date.
    *Designating another party and transferring tickets to them is strictly prohibited under any circumstances.
    Will there be an "official ticket trade"?
    A トレードの実施がある場合には、特設サイトやオフィシャルサイトでご案内いたします。
    If there is a trade, we will announce it on the special site and the official site.
    *The information posted on the site is the latest information.
    Please refrain from making individual inquiries regarding the start date.
    What documents are required if there is identification at the venue?
    A 有効な身分証明書(全て顔写真付き、コピー不可、有効期限内のもの)
    3.写真付き公的免許証(船舶・航空・建築士 他)





    As a measure to prevent the resale of tickets, e-tickets will be accepted for this performance, and tickets will be issued through the "JO1 official APP".
    Even for reasons such as that you do not have a smart phone, or cannot display your ticket due to registration being incomplete, etc., you will not be permitted entry. No refunds will be given in the event that you are not allowed to enter.
    We may ask you to confirm your identity on the day of the performance. Confirmation of identity may be conducted for both the person responsible for the application and the accompanying person.
    In the event that you cannot confirm your identity, or are found to be engaged in unauthorized or resale activities, you will not be permitted entry to the venue.

    Valid identification (photo that shows your entire face, no photocopies, still within the validity period)

    Type 1: If you have photo ID

    Please bring one of the following items
    1. Passport
    2. Driver's license/International driver's license
    3. Official driver's license with photo (marine, aviation, architect, etc.)
    4. Basic residential registers card
    5. Physical disability certificate
    6. Alien registration card
    7. My number card (notification card will not be accepted)
    8. Welfare certificate
    9. Insurance card with photograph
    10. Student card with photograph
    11. Rehabilitation certificate
    If you have any other identification other than the above (1) to (11) that is considered to be official identification, please contact Tixplus customer support at least 2 days prior to the performance.

    If you do not have any of the above 1-11, or what is considered to be an official ID, please bring the following documents.
    ※Please note that student ID cards for those 19 years of age or older will not be accepted, even if they have a photo.
    ※If you have a student ID/insurance card that does not have a photo, please refer to type 2.
    ※Please note that for documents to confirm your identity, those that are photocopies, have been handwritten, have expired, or have been doctored to make them unusable will not be accepted.

    Type 2: If you do not have a photo ID

    <Please bring two pieces of official identification>
    ・Documents considered to be official identification
    Health insurance card, certificate of residence, a copy of family register, an abstract of family register, certificate of registered seal, pension book.
    ※Please bring all official identification like it was when it was issued to you.

    The certificate of residence, copy of the family register, and extract from the family register are valid within six months of having been issued.
    ※You will not be permitted entry with only one piece of official identification.
    ・Documents that have your name printed on them that will be accepted
    Employee ID card, student ID without photo, credit card, cash card
    Utility bills (electricity, water, etc.) and miscellaneous mail will not be accepted, even if they have your name printed on them.
    Do applicants and their plus-ones need to enter the venue at the same time on the day of the concert?
    A チケットは応募者・同行者それぞれのスマートフォンに表示されますので、同時入場の必要はございません。 18歳以下の同行者の方で、スマートフォンをお持ちでない場合に限り、購入者のスマートフォンにチケットを2枚まとめて表示し、同行者と一緒にご入場いただけます。 ただし、入場時に有効な身分証明書でのご本人確認を別途行う場合がございます。 Since e-tickets are accessible on smartphones for applicants and plus-ones, you don't have to enter at the same time. If you're a plus-one under the age of 18 and you don't have a smartphone, you can display two tickets on the applicant's smartphone and enter together. However, we may need to verify your ID at admission.
    Where can I inquire about admission and performances?
    A イベント主催までお問い合わせください。

    公演に関するお問い合わせ:DISK GARAGE
    Please contact the respective performance/event organizer.
    FANCLUB cannot answer.
    Please understand this in advance.
    I contacted "Tixplus" but there was no reply.
    A 多数お問い合わせをいただいる場合、回答までにお時間をいただきます。
    If we receive a large amount of inquiries, it will take some time to reply.
    We will reply so that there will be no difficulties with applying or entering the performance.
    Note that when you contact us we will send you an email confirming receipt.
    If you do not receive the email, please refer to the help below and check your settings.
    Q: I haven't received an email from Tixplus (formerly: EMTG)


    Please tell us about your merchandise sales.
    Please note that the information on the website is the latest information, and we will not be able to respond to individual inquiries.
    Can I give fan letters, gifts or congratulatory flowers?
    Aファンレター、プレゼント(祝花/バルーン/米花輪等) はお受け取りできません。 予めご了承ください。
    About fan letters/gifts/flowers Please be aware that fan letters or gifts (congratulatory flowers/balloons/fan rice, etc.) cannot be accepted.
    Please tell us about the supporting goods during the performance.
    A 公演中の応援グッズ(LIGHT STICK・うちわ等)は、公演や他のお客様の観覧の妨げとなるような高さ、大きさ、並びに迷惑行為は禁止といたします。

    ◆市販のペンライト(長さ30cmまで、お1人様1個まで)※JO1/INI OFFICIAL LIGHT STICKとの併用はお控えください
    ◆スローガン ※公式うちわサイズ内:約H295×H420(mm)


    Supporting goods (LIGHT STICK, fan, etc.) during the performance must not be so high or large as to obstruct the performance or other audience members, or cause a nuisance.
    *We will not be able to respond to individual inquiries.

    However, the following items may be brought in even if they are not official goods.
    [Items that are allowed to bring in]
    ◆Commercially available penlight (up to 30cm in length, maximum 1 per person)*Please refrain from using alongside the JO1/INI OFFICIAL LIGHT STICK
    ◆Slogan *Within official hand-fan size: approx. H295×H420(mm)
    "[Items that are not allowed to be used or brought in]
    ■Penlights with extremely high luminosity, connected penlights, self-made penlights, modified penlights, etc.
    ■Laser pointers, extremely bright high-intensity objects, items with an overly bright light
    ■Chemical lights, glow sticks (items that emit light when bent)
    ■Materials other than JO1/INI/DXTEEN cheering ads (characters, photos published on the official website/fanclub, photos used in magazines, secret photos taken in unauthorized locations such as performances, etc.), slogans, hand fans, and board sketchbooks that are larger than the permitted size, other unofficial goods (regardless of size), etc.

    Selling or distributing to unspecified parties using materials (e.g., photos published on official sites or fan clubs, photos used in magazines, etc., photos taken at performances or other places where photography is not permitted, etc.) other than INI support advertisements, regardless of whether or not the seller is profiting from the use of such materials, is considered an infringement of INI's portrait rights. We ask for your understanding and cooperation in order to protect the image of INI.
    Please be aware that any items other than official JO1/INI/DXTEEN merchandise, such as boards and other cheering merchandise, are prohibited.
    Slogans (within the size of an official fan)
    The following items may not be used or brought to the event. Slogans that use materials other than JO1/INI/DXTEEN's cheering advertisements (e.g., characters, photos published on the official website or by fan clubs, photos used in magazines, etc., photos taken in places where photography is not permitted such as performances, etc.) 》 《Uchiwa fans, slogans, sketchbooks, etc. larger than the official size》 《Pictures taken in areas where photography is not permitted such as at performances, etc. Sketchbooks, etc.
    Please refrain from raising your cheering goods above the height of your chest when using them.
    When using fans, slogans, etc., please do not extend beyond your seat. Please note that seat size may vary depending on the venue.
    If the staff determines that the use of a seat will interfere with the performance or cause inconvenience to other patrons, the use of the seat may be prohibited.
    Decorations on official merchandise are allowed as long as they fit within the size of the merchandise. We will not be able to intercede, cooperate, or assist with any requests for permission to carry out projects by customer volunteers.
    Unofficial sales or distribution of goods using JO1/INI/DXTEEN's likeness or name at the venue, nearby facilities, or in public places is prohibited. Such activities are strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated.
    In the unlikely event that an unauthorized sale or distribution is discovered, the merchandise will be confiscated and the identity of the person involved will be verified, and if the person is found to be a fan club member, he or she will be expelled and denied entry to the performance and the venue premises. In case of malicious acts, the fan club member will be expelled or denied entry to the venue and the performance site to prevent recurrence.
    In addition, in the event that a member is found to be a fan club member, he/she will be expelled and denied entry to the venue and the performance site.
    In addition, it is difficult to reduce the act of unauthorized sale and distribution of unofficial goods unless the number of people purchasing such unofficial goods is reduced. We ask for your understanding that this is an act that infringes on the rights of the artists.